
facultad juridicas

The Faculty of Law and Business was created in 2013. We refer to it as FCJE-UFRO as its acronym in Spanish stands.

Faculty’s mission is to train excellent professionals and postgraduates, as well as to contribute to research and development in juridical and business sciences. Its values are academic quality, global vision, entrepreneurship and social responsibility. The overall objective is to foster regional and national social-economic development.

This Faculty consists of two academic departments: Department of Law and Department of Management and Economics. It further organizes the undergraduate studies through two schools: Law School and Business School. The Faculty hosts three undergraduate programs: Law, Business Administration, and Public Accountant and Auditor. It boasts a new MBA program which teaches through “learning by doing” approach and places emphasis on networking.

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paulina sanhueza
Dr. Paulina Sanhueza Martínez

juan pablo zambrano 2
Director of Postgraduate Programs and Research 
Dr. Juan Pablo Zambrano

carolina gonzalez
Director of Academic Quality
Dr. Carolina González Suhr

carolina gonzalez
Director of Outreach and Community Engagement
Mg. Sergio Gallegos Soto

Director of Business School
Mg. Violeta Cantero Mancilla

veronica rosas
Director of Law School
Mg. Verónica Rosas Quintana

cristian nawrath 2
Director of Finances and Human Resources
Mr. Cristián Nawrath Poveda


Public Accountant and Auditor
Mg. Marco Vásquez
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Mg. Maximiliano Sarmiento Moreno
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Business Administration
Dr. Yenniel Mendoza Carbonell
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Mg. Carlos Venegas
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Department of Management and Economics
Dr. Roberto Reveco S.
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Fono: 56 45 2 734095

Department of Law
Dr. Estefanía Esparza Reyes
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Phone: (56) 45 2596720