It´s a total of 41 projects of the six Universidad de La Frontera faculties that want to establish the basis for new research areas and, at the same time, to increase the scientific productivity of the institution.
For the research director, Dr. Paula Cartes, the number of approved projects this year affirms the researchers´ interest to keep working – in the case of the ones who already pursued their career in this area – and, at the same time, it proves that the young researchers are searching for ways of showing their scientific work.
“As always, we are very happy and proud of our researchers´ work. We are willing to provide all the support that is necessary for our university to keep moving forward and develop us in terms of research, and the historical project competition DIUFRO is a guarantee for that.”
One of the recommendations of the Research Division in order to start with the proposals is that the researchers have to start with the paperwork for the Scientific Ethics Committee for being able to work within the established deadlines.
Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Science
DI18-0093 Impact of tourism in fragile socio-environmental spaces: case of the coastal zone of the Araukania Region. ALEJANDRO RAMON ESPINOSA SEPULVEDA
Faculty of Law and Business
DI18-0077 The Chilean Constitution of 1980 in the contemporary debate about business and human rights. RAUL ALFREDO ALLARD SOTO
DI18-0091 Impact evaluation of international trade shows and denomination of origin programs. VALESKA VIOLA GELDRES WEISS Faculty of Education, Social Science and Humanities
DI18-0047 The socioimaginary contruction of Mapuche women in the regional press of the Chilean Regions Araukania and Bio Bio between 1994 and 2016 in the context of the State-Nation and Mapuche People conflict. SANDRA DEL PILAR LOPEZ DIETZ
DI18-0058 Bad women. Violence, criminality and justice processes on the margins. Concepts in the nineteenth century. YESSICA MARLENE GONZALEZ GOMEZ
DI18-0064 Women in situations of disability: other experiences of violence in the Araukania Region. LUCY MIRTHA KETTERER ROMERO
DI18-0113 Ethnic identity and perception of social mobility in Mapuche university students. CLAUDIO ANDRES BRICEÑO OLIVERA
DI18-0115 Intersectoral system of comprehensive promotion for boys, girls and adolescents in a situation of violation of their rights. SANDRA VERONICA RIQUELME SANDOVAL Faculty of Engineering and Science
DI18-0017 Evaluation of isolated alkaloids from Rhodophiala moelleri and Rhodophiala araucana with inhibitory activity of the acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes. EMILIO RICARDO HORMAZABAL URIBE
DI18-0053 Evaluation of the resistance of asphalt mixes to cracking by the development of a new accelerated fatigue test. GONZALO ALFONSO VALDES VIDAL
DI18-0059 Study of quartic fermion interactions, type Lifshitz, in (2+1) dimensions. FRANCISCO ANTONIO PEÑA CAMPOS
DI18-0066 Study of magnetic dynamics in Artificial Spin Ice Systems. PABLO IVAN DIAZ RIQUELME
DI18-0106 Research and development of materials sensitive to ionizing radiation for cancer treatment quality control. MAURO ANDRES VALENTE - Faculty of Medicine
DI18-0030 Evaluation of the electric maximum separation technique according to different positions of the right ventricular electrode and coronary sinus in patients with indications of cardiac resynchronization therapy. VICTOR MAURICIO NEIRA VIDAL
DI18-0057 Evaluation of clinical and educative intervention in users with active venous ulceration in six months of monitoring. Care center of the commune of Temuco, 2018-2019. EDITH ELINA RIVAS RIVEROS
DI18-0071 Effect of supplementation of incubation medium with Berberis microphylla extract on thawed bovine sperm functionality. MARIANA SANDRA DEPPE ALBERDI
DI18-0082 Evaluation of the healing and bactericidal capacity of Ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia) honey of different degrees of purity. MARIANO GUILLERMO ARMANDO DEL SOL CALDERON
DI18-0087 Curcumin nanofiber scaffold by emulsion-coaxial electrospinning for promoting neural tissue regeneration. FRANCISCA ACEVEDO CANALA-ECHEVARRIA Faculty of Dentistry
DI18-0001 Oxidative and apoptotic changes in the liver and pancreas of rats C57BL/6 exposed to ethanol consume and beta-carotene supplementation. CRISTIAN ALBERTO SANDOVAL VASQUEZ
DI18-0002 First experience in organ and animal body fixation with the Walther Thiel technique and posterior replacement with silicone and epoxy resin plastination techniques for their final long-term conservation. Their utility in undergraduate anatomy teaching and research. NICOLAS ERNESTO OTTONE -
Faculty of Law and Business
DI18-0010 Citizen participation and accountability in Chilean legislation: projection diagnosis and proposal. SOLEDAD ALEJANDRA MORALES TRAPP
DI18-0050 The administrative discretion of the Electricity and Fuels Superintendence in relation with the concessionaries of the public electricity service. MARIELA ALEJANDRA VALDES PEREZ
DI18-0097 Tourism Entrepreneur Natural Disaster Recovery Model. IEVA ZEBRYTE
DI18-0108 Diagnosis of the protection of fundamental rights in the Chilean Social Security system. The road towards the Vital Minimum. RODRIGO MONTEIRO PESSOA
Faculty of Education, Social Science and Humanities
DI18-0004 The social conception in the Araukania Region in the foundational newspapers of the Araukania Region in 1900-1940. STEFANIE KATLEEN PACHECO PAILAHUAL
DI18-0043 Effects of high-intensity physical activity on physical, metabolic and psychosocial variables in overweight or obese people. PEDRO DELGADO FLOODY
DI18-0052 Psychometric evaluation of the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) in a test with future teachers in Chile. MAURA PAULINA KLENNER LOEBEL
DI18-0109 Respect and response towards diversity: critical analysis of the teaching discourse about inclusion policies. JORGE ALFARO URRUTIA Faculty of Engineering and Science
DI18-0022 Support platform for programming subjects of the first cycle in engineering, based on gamification: a proposal. JAIME IGNACIO DIAZ ARANCIBIA
DI18-0060 Inferometric and geophysical applications in the study of landslides in middle-latitudes. IVO JANOS FUSTOS TORIBIO
DI18-0063 The scholar sociocultural context and its influence on mathematics teaching. Geometry in scientific and humanistic secondary education in the Chilean Araukania Region. CAROLINA ANDREA HENRIQUEZ RIVAS
DI18-0065 Incidence of psychosocial and contextual factors in the choice of using the bicycle for transportation. MAXIMILIANO EXEQUIEL LIZANA MALDONADO
DI18-0081 Enhancement of radiological images through the use of nanoparticles. FRANCISCO MAURICIO MALANO - Faculty of Medicine
DI18-0034 Reliable predictors and instauration time of the spasticity in post-stroke patients and their relation with life functionality and quality. PAULINA BELEN SEPULVEDA FIGUEROA
DI18-0041 Mobile monitoring of particulate matter in different transportation types in Temuco, a pilot study. DAMIAN ENRIQUE CHANDIA POBLETE
DI18-0068 Effects of high-intensity interval training on muscle mass and IL-6, related to muscle atrophy caused by aging. GABRIEL NASRI MARZUCA NASSR
DI18-0089 Activation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway in epithelial ovarian cancer resistant to carboplatin. CAROLINA ALEIDA VIVALLO BOS
Faculty of Dentistry
DI18-0006 Evaluation of the application of PRF together with β-TCP in critical bone defects in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). MARCELO ALEJANDRO PARRA VELIZ
DI18-0051 Clinical significance of internal and external morphology of the first premolar of the maxilla: a biometric study with Cone Beam computed tomography and optic microscopy. DANIELA PAZ MATUS ROSAS
Without Faculty
DI18-0049 The history of the Chilean Revolutionary Left in the 60s and 70s from a cultural perspective. MARIA OLGA RUIZ CABELLO
DI18-0104 Study of the NETosis process involved in the entrapment of porcine sperm and its impact on the fertilizing function and capacity. FABIOLA ALEJANDRA ZAMBRANO QUEZADA