ufro cooperacion china

ufro cooperacion china 2

The ambassador Xu Bu visited the Universidad de La Frontera in order to talk with the university authorities about future alliances and cooperation.

He is one of the most important persons in Chile at this moment. He is a Doctor of Law and has had an impressive trajectory. He has been Minister-Counsellor and has a great reputation because of his work as an ambassador through which he managed to create new commercial alliances between China and Chile that are worth more than 64 billion dollars. He appreciates the arrival of Tianqi (a Chinese company with high influence, dedicated to lithium) at SQM and has extraordinary political skills. It is not a coincidence that his official position is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Chile.

Now, he came to the Universidad de La Frontera in order to talk with the university authorities about future alliances and cooperation.
“It is an honor to receive a diplomat of this level. We want to show them our potential as a university and see how an alliance with our peers from China could work. That’s part of our vision regarding internationalization,” the Rector, Eduardo Hebel, pointed out.

According to the work agenda of the ambassador the rapprochement between both countries is not only taking place on the economic level, but also on the cultural and social level. “In November this year, the President of China is going to visit Chile to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations. Chile was the first country in South America to start this relationship and today, the country is one of our most important business partners, with exportations worth more than 43 billion dollars. A big part of Chile’s exportations go to China,” Xu Bu commented.

And since this is not only about business, the ambassador as well as the authorities of different universities are strengthening their links, as it is the case of the Universidad de La Frontera, which wants to intensify the relations that already exist with China in order to strengthen and make further progress in the fields of research that distinguish this university from others. “We know that the Universidad de La Frontera is one of the most important universities in the south of Chile. And we believe that it is important to strengthen our cultural links through our students,” the ambassador added.

Actually, one of the envisioned possibilities is the establishment of the Confucius Institute at the UFRO and the continuation of student exchange between Chile and China for language acquisition, postgraduate studies or other educational and cultural activities. “Even though our business relations are very stable, cultural cooperation is getting more and more important. We want to encourage Chinese cultural groups to come to Chile and if there are local cultural groups that want to show their talent in China, we can support them,” the ambassador pointed out.