rodolgo figueroa

Dr. Rodolfo Figueroa, the director of the Center for Medical Physics and Engineering of the Universidad de la Frontera, was distinguished as VEBLEO-Fellow, a recognition awarded by international scientific peers for his contribution to innovation.

The joint work of a group of physicists, engineers and other professionals related to the field of health allows the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) to be a leader in the development of innovative solutions and to influence the medical field at the regional and national level, especially with regard to cancer treatment.

The research work of this group has been led by Dr. Rodolfo Figueroa Saavedra, first through the Master in Medical Physics and then through the Center for Medical Physics and Engineering (CeFIM).

The investigation of new treatment methods with radiation therapy and new medical x-ray methodologies, simultaneous treatments with nanoparticles to fight cancer and to address dental applications, and patents of inventions are just some of the major achievements that mark Dr. Figueroa's career. Therefore, his international peers recently recognized these contributions, distinguishing him as “VEBLEO-Fellow”.

VEBLEO is a renowned multi-platform for scientific networking, which, through the organization of conferences, brings together researchers, industries, start-ups and investors, with the specific intention of promoting growth and innovation thus bringing the best current trendsetters together.

Dr. Figueroa explains: “This distinction, which I really appreciate and which is an honor, is not only for me, but also for the Center for Medical Physics and Engineering; as well as for the Department of Physical Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering and Science and the whole Universidad de La Frontera. I really want to point out that this is the result of our constant research work as a team in the field of cancer, which we have been carrying out for more than a decade already.”

That team consist of Dr. Mauro Valente, Dr. Fernando Leyton, Dr. Francisco Malano, MSc. Jaime Guarda, Jorge Leiva, MSc. José Velásquez and Bryan Cassanelli.

After a meticulous process of nomination and selection, which included a review of his academic career and finished with a dissertation about one of his main research fields, “Development of a new technique that uses nanoparticles and convergent ionizing radiation devices in the diagnosis, treatment and theranostics of cancer”, Dr. Rodolfo Figueroa Saavedra was recognized as VEBLEO-Fellow by a committee of well-known scientists and researchers from different countries.

Written by: Daphne Bormann Parada
Faculty of Engineering and Science
Translated by: UFRO Communications Office