EAIE 2017

The UFRO Chile participates in International EAIE Conference to position itself as destiny for European students

The UFRO participates in the 29th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition 2017 in Seville, Spain, presenting the academic offer for undergraduate and postgraduate studies and the opportunities for international student mobility.

Europe’s biggest Convention for higher education and student mobility will take place from 12-15 September 2017 at the Seville Conference and Exhibition Center (FIBES) in Spain. The theme of the 2017 conference is “A mosaic of culture” and institutions from all over the world are participating, including 16 educational establishments from Chile.

The Universidad de La Frontera is also part of the delegation of national institutions that are present at the 2017 EAIE Conference. The UFRO representative is the director of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Pamela Leal, who will join the group of more than 200 exhibitors and 5 thousand representatives of higher education from all over the world who are coming to Seville.

“The main continent where the foreign students in Chile come from is Europe. They come to Latin America in order to find a space for complementing their training and, of course, to live an international exchange experience”, said Dr. Pamela Leal.

At the same time, she pointed out that Chile has a series of advantages and characteristics that transform the country into a privileged destiny for foreigners and in the case of the UFRO, the interest increases more and more.

“At this international encounter, we want to share who we are as a University. Therefore we will present our offer of undergraduate and postgraduate studies and invite the Europeans to live a study experience at a state University of quality, in a region like the Araukania with its privileged environment because of its nature and culture”, she added.

This annual conference is organized by the European Association for International Education (EAIE) and besides opening and showing the potential of international mobility, the aim is also to establish networks and strengthen the partnerships between different universities and countries.

escrito porWritten by: Direction of Communications

Heilongjiang University

Tiajin Agricultural University

The UFRO delegation will focus its activities on the Heilongjiang University and the Tianjin Agricultural University.

One of the main goals of the Universidad de La Frontera is to extend and strengthen the international networks of collaboration. This time, a group of university authorities went to the People´s Republic of China in order to formalize a framework cooperation agreement and establish new relations.

Part of the UFRO delegation are the Vice-rector of Undergraduate Affairs, Ana Moraga; the director of the International Affair´s Office, Pamela Leal; the director of Libraries and Information Resources, Roberto Araya; and the Advisor for Relations with China, Qingjun Wu.

The agenda for the visit includes a series of activities and meetings. One of the main activities will take place on Monday, September 4th, in the city of Harbin, at the University of Heilongjiang, where the Vice-rector, Ana Moraga, and the Rector of the Chinese Institution, Fu Honggang, will sign an International Cooperation Agreement.

This new alliance will formalize the cooperation, considering the promotion of academic exchange at the undergraduate and postgraduate level and the differentuniversity activities. They will also work on the development of a program of Spanish as a second language, which will take place at the UFRO for the students of the Chinese institution.

The Heilongjian University offers a wide range of disciplines, including arts, science, foreign languages, engineering, management, etc. and has about 35 thousand students, plus 5 thousand in postgraduate programs and another 2 thousand students from abroad.

The activities of the delegation will go on at the Tianjin Agricultural University, with which the UFRO already signed a Cooperation Agreement this year, when authorities and representatives of the Asian institution visited the UFRO. The aim of this agreement is to take actions in different areas of knowledge, from which both institutions benefit.

The activities at this university will take place on September 7 and 8. The program includes an official visit and work meetings in order to advance in specific areas of the cooperation.


escrito porWritten by: Jassna Sepúlveda Beltrán

Cafe Linguistico ufro

This activity, created by the Student Development Office, is open to the university community and permits to learn and practice seven languages at different tables, guided by a native speaker or a language expert.

This Wednesday 6th of September, there will be another session of the UFRO Linguistic Café, which was created by the Student Development Office in cooperation with the Division of Student Orientation and Development, at the refectory Los Notros.

This activity permits to get together for conversation with other students that are interested in the same language. You can practice the languages English, French, German, Mapuzungun, Arabic and Italian, and for this Wednesday´s session the organizers also added the Portuguese language.

The conversations take place at different language tables and are guided by a native speaker or a language expert.

The activity is free of charge and the participation is voluntarily. It is open to our students and employees, as well as to everyone who is interested and not part of the Universidad de La Frontera community. It takes place at the refectory Los Notros, at the intersection of the streets Uruguay and Montevideo.

“This activity has been introduced and developed in different parts of the world in order to promote and practice different languages. Considering our reality at the UFRO, we thought of these languages, including Mapudungun as a kind of responsibility and because of its relevance for our environment”, says Camilo Vásquez who is responsible for this activity and has the support of the Student Development Office.

He also adds that the Linguistic Café is a valuable alternative for those students of the University who plan to do an exchange period abroad, because this way they can practice the language of their destination and listen to the experiences of other students who have already completed their exchange period abroad.


escrito porWritten by: Sergio Valenzuela

UFRO ranking THE

Once again, the prestigious ranking places the UFRO as one of the best universities in Chile and in first place as a regional state university.

Once again, the prestigious ranking places the UFRO as one of the best universities in Chile and in first place as a regional state university.

The excellence of the Universidad de La Frontera is recognized and valued once again. This time by the Times Higher Education Rankings 2018, which ranks the UFRO in ninth place of the national universities and as number 1 of the regional state universities.

This report of the THE World University Rankings 2018 judged the best universities in the world, a total of 1,102 institutions (121 more than in 2017), among which are 13 Chilean universities, 5 of them state universities. The UFRO stands out as the second best state university of Chile after the Universidad de Chile.

In the global report, where the Times Higher Education Ranking judges research-intensive universities by using 13 performance indicators, such as teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook, the UFRO is placed in the section 801-1000.

The Times Higher Education Ranking is one of the most prestigious international rankings that evaluates the levels of complexity of universities.



Posición en Ranking THE

Ranking Chile




Universidad Diego Portales



Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María



Pontificia U. Católica de Chile



Universidad de Chile



Universidad Andrés Bello



Universidad Austral de Chile



Universidad Católica del Norte



Universidad de Concepción



Universidad de La Frontera



Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Universidad de Santiago de Chile



Universidad de Talca



Universidad de Valparaíso


The Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) 2017 report ranked the Universidad de La Frontera as one of the best universities in Chile, in 11th place at the national and in 84th place at the Latin American level (higher education area), climbing two places up compared to 2016.

The SIR is based on three areas: research (50%), innovation (30%) and social impact (20%). At the general level, the UFRO is in the 78th percentile in research, the 57th percentile in innovation and in the 50th percentile in social impact.
In 2009, the UFRO was in 764th place and in 2017 in the 632nd, climbing 132 places up in 8 years.


escrito porWritten by: Direction of Communications

seminario ci

This seminar is a prelude for the Ibero-American Conference for Quality of Life, Sustainability and the Environment in 2018.

With participation of national and international experts and with help of four tables of analysis, the seminar “Quality of Life, Sustainability and Environment” will take place at the Universidad de La Frontera, at the Auditorium Selva Saavedra on this Thursday, September 7th, starting at 8:30a.m.

The seminar will be a prelude for the Ibero-American Conference for Quality of Life, Sustainability and the Environment that will take place in 2018. According to the coordinator of the Organizing Committee, Jorge Cortés, the idea of this seminar is to create a space to foster development, especially in the most vulnerable territories. “This is the reason why this event takes place in the Araukanía Region, because we are one of the poorest and less developed regions in Chile”, he commented.

He added that this seminar is based on the cooperation between three entity types: public, private and for research. Without this cooperation, the development would always be incomplete.

The event will be carried out at four different tables with specialists that focus on the questions: “How can we measure human development from the human perspective?”, “Sustainability: What is that and how can we measure it?”, “How much more can we improve human life without compromising the ecosystems that support life on our planet?”, and “Development in the Araukanía Region: role and challenges of the university in the century XXI”.


On Friday, 8th of September,as part of the encounter there will be two related lectures. The first one is called “Quality of Life: as a system of indicators for the evaluation of social, public and private organizations”, which will be held by Miguel Ángel Verdugo, a Dr. of Psychology at the Universidad de Salamanca. This activity will take place in room 201 at the Aula Magna of the institution, at 9 a.m.

The second lecture is about “Post-Truth and Complex Networks” and will be held by CristiánHuepe, researcher of complex systems at the Northwestern University, USA, in the Auditorium Selva Saavedra, at 9 a.m. He will explain the complexity of the phenomenon of post-truth in social networks.
For more information and questions about the lectures or the seminar, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


written byWritten by: Jassna Sepúlveda Beltrán