cafe cientifico 2

cafe cientifico 2

Cardiovascular diseases, their characteristics and development processes, risk factors, preventive measures and related research, were part of the third day of the second cycle of the UFRO Scientific Café 2017.

They explained that, although this type of disease often presents gradual changes, it iseasy to Two well-known experts and researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de La Frontera, the cardiologist Dr. Fernando Lanas and the medical technologist Dr. Nicolás Saavedra, participated in a kind of dialogue and reflection on the main causes of death in the world and in Chile: cardiovascular diseases.

Almost one hundred people – from the UFRO and externals– assisted, when the experts shared their experience regarding diseases associated with a heart condition from a clinical and molecular point of view. identify at the cellular level, but the patients only notice it, when the disease manifests itself.

"One of our topics in the Society of Cardiology is the question of how to transfer the information to the community, because we do a lot of research that has to do with very real situations in real life, and because the people are the ones who get sick.

Therefore, it is very important for us to be able to inform the people about what heart diseases are, what their causes are and how we can avoid them”, said Dr. Fernando Lanas, after being asked about his participation in the area of scientific dissemination.

Dr. Nicolás Saavedra also shared this opinion. “As researchers at the University, it is extremely important to participate in these possibilities of rapprochement with the community, because normally, we are only in contact with the scientific community, so we highly appreciate the invitation to get closer and reach people with what we are doing.”

Cardiovascular diseases are considered a public health problem and have a multiple etiology and prevalence of risk factors (hypertension, smoking, abdominal obesity, diabetes, etc.). Both researchers have explored this subject in different studies, with the common goal of contributing to the prevention and treatment.

Actually, this is one of the reasons why the Scientific Café is being developed. The idea is to let the community know about the scientific work that is developed in our country in benefit of the society.

In its second cycle, this Scientific Café, promoted and coordinated by Dr. Alex Seguel, is organized by the BIOREN-UFRO and the PAR Explora of CONICYT in the Araucanía Region, counting with the valuable support of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Postgraduate Programs, the Vice-Rectorate of Undergraduate Programs, the Nucleus of Social Science and the Direction of Outreach and Community Engagement.


written byWritten by:Daphne Bormann
Faculty of Engineering & Science


Sudamericano Voleibol 1

Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay will be in Group A of the competition. The matches will take place in the Olympic Gym of our University, on August 7th, 8th and 9th.

The Olympic Champions from "Brazil" already know the rivals they will face at the Olympic Gym of the Universidad de La Frontera in the South American Championship of Male Adult Volleyball 2017.

They will come up against the selections of Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay, who will compete in Group A, in the capital of the Araucanía Region, on August 7th, 8th and 9th.

This is what was established by the board of the Chilean Volleyball Federation (Fevochi). The South American Confederation of Volleyball (CSV) ratified this information, finishing the program of matches that will take place in Santiago and Temuco.

The Brazilian team is the biggest attraction of the Championship and will debut on August 7th against Paraguay, the same day, on which the team from Colombia will come up against Venezuela. Both matches will take place at the Olympic Gym of the Universidad de La Frontera.

On the second day, Brazil will be playing against Venezuela, and Colombia against Paraguay. The last day, Brazil will end the group stage in a match against Colombia, while Venezuela plays against Paraguay at the end of the preliminary round.


Jorge Pino, president of the Chilean Volleyball Federation (Fevochi), stressed the importance of this Championship, which will host the current Olympic Champion from Brazil. The team will participate with all of their stars.

"You can make something similar to what was done in 2015 at the Copa América in Soccer. This is the same, but in Volleyball and we will have the current Olympic Champion in Temuco during the first three days. This is world-class level", he explains.

Heis grateful for the effort and interest of Temuco, by the Municipality and the UFRO, and for accepting this challenge to help to decentralize the sport.

"The community of Temuco and the Araucanía Region should be aware of that they will be able to witness the best volleyball in the world at the Olympic Gym of the UFRO. We are sure that this tournament will generate a series of consequences for the sport and especially for the development and promotion of volleyball”, adds Jorge Pino.

During the next few weeks, the Chilean Volleyball Federation will announce the points of sale and the ticket-prices to witness the matches in the Olympic Gym of theUFRO and the Metropolitan Region


written byWritten by: Sergio Valenzuela
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agreement 1

agreement 2

agreement 3

The present extended agreement will allow to interact in the fields of agricultural and forestry science, legal science, humanities, social science and engineering.

The Department of Psychology of the Universidad de La Frontera and its peers of the Universidad de Almeria (Spain) are celebrating their valuable relationship. The highest authorities of both educational establishments decided to extend the collaborative ties through a new international cooperation agreement.

This important partnership was established by Eduardo Hebel, rector´s representative of the Universidad de La Frontera, and Carmelo Rodríguez, rector of the Universidad de Almería, in presence of the deans of the six UFRO faculties, which participated in the ceremony held in the Vice-Rectorate´s board room.

This new agreement is very important, since both establishments of higher education assume their willingness and commitment to do exchanges at the student and academic level, and to enhance the interest in exploring new links of mutual benefit in the areas of postgraduate programs and research, starting in May 2017.

In this regard, the rector of the Universidad de Almeria, Carmelo Rodríguez, pointed out that one of the strategies of this educational establishment is internationalization. "This encourages us to comply with indicators of student mobility, because we believe that the training of students is not only based on knowledge, but also on their comprehensive development and in the case of PhD students and teachers (academics), networks and collaborative work to make transfer."

In this context, the authority of the Spanish university was optimistic about what this agreement will allow to concrete now and in the future and the rector´s representative of the UFRO, Eduardo Hebel, reaffirmed the importance of this cooperation, which contributes to a common process and goal.

"It is not any kind of internationalization that we are looking for. We are focused on those establishments of higher education in the world, where different fields and disciplines are covered", said Dr. Hebel, and emphasized that this agreement will allow interactions in the fields of agricultural and forestry science, legal science, humanities, social science and engineering.

According to the academic authority, this agreement fulfills the expectations of what is being sought in the context of international agreements, and the most important thing is to be cross-disciplinary in the aspect of being able to offer the possibility of doing internships for undergraduate students, and to have networks and collaborative partnerships at the postgraduate and research level.

The Director of the International Cooperation Office, Dr. Pamela Leal, said that this year at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Association of Universities, we expressed interest in the scope of this agreement, which specifically contemplates at least two places in each area for student exchange and support for joint research and mobility for postgraduate students and academics.


written byWritten by: Pamela Carrasco Salas
Direction of Communications


ufro delegacion japon 1

ufro delegacion japon 2

ufro delegacion 3

Thanks to funds of the Japanese government, through the International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Agency of Science and Technology (JST), a three billion Chilean pesos worth project was awarded to the Universidad de La Frontera, which will have a scientific, economic and social impact. The idea is to avoid red tide caused economic losses in the salmon industry by using a detection kit of easy use for the industry.

Monitoring, predicting and detecting red tide outbreaks in southern Chile, especially in areas of salmon farming for export, is the main objective of a group of Chilean scientists who have just joined a research team at the Kyoto University, the University of Okayama and the Japanese Research Institute of Fisheries Science.

Dr. MilkoJorquera, researcher at the UFRO and one of the managers of the initiative, said, that the Universidad de La Frontera is favored to be part of this sustainability project, worldwide and in Chile. Together with scientists of the Universidad de Los Lagos and the Universidad de Antofagasta, they form the Chilean counterpart of the initiative. The three entities will contribute to this mega-project by using their fields of expertise, seeking to complement the knowledge.

“We will not only cover the scientific and technological area, but also the industrial, economic and above all,the social one. This last point is vital, because all the advances and technologies that we can develop and apply can benefit those, who are impacted by the farming and export of salmon."


Chiaki Kobayashi of the JICA's Latin America Department, specifies that it is extremely important to contribute to the development of this industry and thanks to this project, the salmon industry in Chile can anticipate events, make decisions and have indicators to know how to act in case of a new outbreak of red tide or other pollutants.

"Food safety is relevant for us, and the development of a monitoring and forecasting kit is indispensable to visualize eventual outbreaks of red tide or other contaminants, so that companies can make decisions in advance, based on the information, and know how to proceed."

Dr. Jorquera adds that the study will include biological aspects and will investigate all microorganisms that are present, while establishing indicators to build the kit with parameters that could cover other threats to the salmon industry.

Chilean Counterpart

Dr. Fumito Maruyama of the Kyoto University will be in charge of the project, along with the JICA and the JST. In Chile, the Universidad de La Frontera will contribute with scientific knowledge and support, as well as providing highly complex equipment for analysis, through the Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN-UFRO).

The Universidad de Los Lagos will support the studies, and according to Dr. Gonzalo Gajardo - researcher at his University - the focus will be on sample taking, initial processing and contributions to the metagenomics. The Universidad de Antofagasta, represented on this occasion by Dr. Carlos Riquelme, will participate in the area of microalgae-bacterial interaction. "We have a center that deals with this interaction, and it is very interesting to participate in this initiative. We hope to have results with an impact on science and R & D & I, and aspire to influence public policies in this area, based on the results of this mega-project."

Chile is the world´s second largest salmon exporting country and Japan is the second biggest importer, since their diet is based on the consumption of this animal, in large part. But the latest outbreak of red tide meant a loss of more than 800 million dollars for the Chilean industry, affecting large part of the production in the Los Lagos Region.


written by

Written by: Lorena Espinoza Arévalo
Vice-Rectorate of Research and Postgraduate Programs

universitas21 ranking


Ranking says that the Chilean system of higher education is the best in Latin America and number 34 in the world.

According to a report from the Universitas 21 Ranking 2017, Chile is ranked as the best system of higher education among Latin American countries, and number 34 among the top 50 in the world.

This is what Universitas 21, the global network of universities focused on research, in its publication of the sixth edition of its ranking, which measures the quality of higher education systems rather than assessing individual universities, says.

This ranking assessed 50 higher education systems in 4 areas: Resources (investment, public and private, teaching and research), environment (governmental policies and regulations, financial autonomy and diversity), connectivity (international networks and cooperation with the industry) and productivity (research and its impact, quality and production of a workforce that satisfies the requirements of the labor market).

After evaluating these four areas, the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden are in the top five, and among Latin American countries Chile (34), Argentina (41), Brazil (42) and Mexico (46) are at the top of the list.

According to the methodology used by the Universitas 21 Ranking 2017, the report shows a correlation between the performance of higher education systems and the strengths of their governments, which allows to evaluate the strengths and detect areas of opportunity.


written byWritten by: Direction of Communications
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