
facultad ingenieria

This Faculty is the largest academic unit of the University. Through the different programs for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research,outreach and community engagement, it is a relevant participant in the development of the southern macro region of Chile, making concrete contributions in a wide range of emerging topics of interest, such as renewable energies, biofuels, telecommunications, computing, the environment, mathematical modeling and a number of other disciplines.

This faculty has ten academic departments: Department of Physical Science; Department of Chemical Sciences & Natural Resources; Department of Chemical Engineering; Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering; Department of Mathematical Engineering; Department of Computer Science; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Department of Civil Engineering; Department of Electrical Engineering; and Department of Mathematics & Statistics.

We offer the following programs: Civil Engineering; Civil Physics Engineering; Civil Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering in Computer Science; Civil Engineering Common Plan; Civil Mechanical Engineering; Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Bioprocesses; Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Computer Science; Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Mechanics; Civil Environmental Engineering; Civil Electrical Engineering; Civil Electronics Engineering; Civil Mathematical Engineering; Civil Telematic Engineering; Civil Engineering in Biotechnology; Construction Engineering; Biochemistry; Computer Engineering.

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jorge farias 2
Dr. Jorge Farías Avendaño

herme soto
Faculty Secretary 
Dr. Herme Soto Segura

gonzalo valdez 2
Vice dean
Dr. Gonzalo Valdes Vidal

patricia munoz 2
Director of Undergraduate Programs
Mg. Patricia Muñoz Bustos

sonia salvo 2
Director of Postgraduate Programs & Research
Dr. Sonia Salvo Garrido

maria antonieta ruiz
Director of Outreach & Community Engagement
Dr. María Antonieta Ruiz


Dr. Traudy Wandersleben
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Civil Engineering
Mauricio Jara Campos
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Civil Environmental Engineering
Dr. Marcia Zambrano R.
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Civil Engineering in Biotechnology
Dr. Mauricio Zamorano Mosnaim
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Civil Electrical Engineering
Ing. Jesús Ruiz M.
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Civil Electronics Engineering
Dr. César San Martin S.
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Civil Industrial Engineering
Ing. Ricardo Castro Zapata
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Civil Physics Engineering
Dr. Antonieta Silva R.
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Civil Engineering in Computer Science
Dr. Mauricio Diéguez Rebolledo
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Civil Mathematical Engineering
Ing. Eduardo Contrera Schneider
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Civil Mechanical Engineering
Marcela Muñoz Catalán
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Civil Telematic Engineering
Dr. Ramiro Donoso F.
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Civil Chemical Engineering
Dra. Carolina Shene De Vidts
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Construction Engineering
Ing. Paolo Macaya V.
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Computer Engineering
Mg. Ana Bustamante Mora
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Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Bioprocesses
Dr. Gerson Valenzuela G.
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Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Computer Science
Ing. Ricardo Castro Z.
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Industrial Civil Engineering, with specialization in Mechanics
Ing. Nayadeth Ibacache Manosalva
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Civil Engineering Common Plan
Mg. Adrialy Muci N.
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Department of Physical Science

Dr. Eduardo Cisternas Jara
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Fono: (56) 45 2325301

Department of Chemical Sciences & Natural Resources
Dr. Marjorie Reyes D.
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Phone: (56) 45 2325420

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Mg. Ruth Novoa Troquián
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Phone: (56) 45 2744200

Department of Mathematical Engineering

Dr. Gino Montecinos Guzmán
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Fono: (56) 45 2325967

Department of Computer Science

Dr. Samuel Sepúlveda Cuevas
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Fono: (56) 45 2744216

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Jorge González Salazar
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Fono: (56) 45 2325971

Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr. Hellmuth Leal López
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Phone: (56) 45 2325472

Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Leonardo Sierra Varela
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Fono: (56) 45 2325681

Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Cristian Pesce González
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Fono: (56) 45 2325521

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Dra. Elena Olivos Herreros
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Fono: (56) 45 2592861